Carsten Guthardt-Schulz, [CGS] wrote:

CGS> I didn't say either one. What I made were much more general statements.
CGS> That's why it doesn't help that you pick on the details: Even if the
CGS> two-editor solution was a good one (what we could argue about) - that was
CGS> just an example, not my statement!

Well, usually, someone will back up judgements or assessments with
examples of why they came up with them. It helps to add substance and
credibility to those judgements. If your examples aren't good ones, then
you're in trouble. :) I hope you understand this.

CGS> There you even agree with my statement about persisting bugs (or
CGS> functionality / long-requested modifications). You don't see the
CGS> editor as one of them - fine, it was just an example, replace it
CGS> with anything else you find appropriate.

Ok. Let me give examples of why with each little problem you mention
there have been nice enhancements. :)

- The preview pane has been reworked. You can now place your attachments
bar where ever you like. You may even hide it and your attachments appear
as a button in the header bar. You can now change the icons in the
header bar to small or large. I had been waiting for that for a looooong
time. :)

- Manual folder maintenance is now easier with the folder maintenance
center. Go to Folder menu and hit "Maintenance".

- You can now select via the ticker which folders you wish it to show.
You do this by right clicking the ticker and selecting 'Folders'.

- The editor now packs a 'SmarWrap' function where it will reflow quoted
text when you generate a reply.

- You may now configure TB! to display headers in the header bar and
editor header fields separate and apart from those already hard coded.
Go to View -> Message Header -> Edit Items.

- You can now suppress the error sounds during mail checks when you
aren't connected to the internet.

- You can now quote selected text when replying to all. Select your
text, right click the message viewer and go to the message submenu.

- You've now got anti-spam plugin support

These are some of the nice little enhancements that come to mind. These
have little to do with the really major enhancments that have some
saying 'So What'.

There have been bug fixes as well. Some of the fabled problems with the
CC being stuck during mail checks have been sorted out. The same for the
fabled problems with TB! redownloading messages after a sudden
disconnection. There are others too.

After all that's said, it's difficult to agree that it's not worthy of
being called a major upgrade because there a few persistent bugs to be
sorted out amidst all the changes for the positive.

CGS> If you don't wrap your text (except for paragraphs): The client's
CGS> display will then wrap it correctly.

Most client displays will window wrap it, which is unacceptable for most
client displays.

CGS> Remains the quoting to be solved, which leads to the discussion how
CGS> a program should quote: Wrap the quote or leave it as is and only
CGS> use one > at the beginning of each paragraph?

All this has been looked at. No need to reinvent the wheel on this. If
you wish to please as many of your recipients as possible then use the
quote prefix '>' and wrap your lines at 72 characters.

CGS> And what about initials?

This isn't widely supported yet, so I use it only when I'm sure the
recipients client will handle it correctly. My reply templates are
rigged to do this sensibly through the use of an %IF regex macro.

AM>> If you don't wrap your text it will appear as very long lines in most
AM>> client viewers,

CGS> That's why the viewer wraps it, and so does The Bat. Just adjust your
CGS> viewer window to the size you want it.

If I adjust my viewer to window wrap at the width I want it, I will not
have my message list at the width I want it. The message list is above
my message viewer. I wish to see a certain amount of columns. I can't
make the window too narrow or else I'll not be able to see all my
message list columns.

I'm grateful that most, including non-TB! users, wrap their text and not
send it unwrapped.

 -= allie_M =- | List Moderator

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