Carsten Guthardt-Schulz, [CGS] wrote:

AM>> What line wrap bug? Are you speaking of MicroEd here?

CGS> Yes, I was. Would make sense to fix it, especially as the
CGS> alternative editor doesn't have this problem,

Neither editor has a problem where this is concerned. One works
differently from the other.

CGS> so they must somehow acknowledge this being not how it is supposed
CGS> to be.

No. They acknowledge that there are quite a few users out there who wish
to enjoy TB!'s wealth of features without having to use an editor that
works like MicroEd does. So TB! now offers a new editor that works in a
way that other users prefer. It's not offered as a fix for MicroEd which
works extremely well in its own way.

MicroEd works in a way you find tedious or dislike ... it's buggy. V2
offers features you aren't interested in or find worth your while ....
not a significant upgrade to from v1.62.  Am I detecting a pattern here
or is it my imagination.

CGS> just image someone who has a 70 character wide display reading a
CGS> message written with MicroEd and broken at 75 characters.

Wrap at 70 characters then. The standard is 72 anyway.

CGS> Just tried the alternative editor: Why does the text I type
CGS> suddenly appear in light red, after I have inserted a quote?

A quote? What do you mean?

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