Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 8:23:15 PM, Allie wrote:
A> We are in the know and they're not. :)

You put a smiley there, but you're right!  When Mosaic came out,
I was one of the first to stop using Gopher and Archie; the new
way was so much easier and quickly became more appealing.

A> We know the problems with HTML and they don't.

None of those typical end-users created the clients; a techy did
- because there was a market for it. People wanted to send
something other than boring-looking plain text e-mail.

A> It's an entirely different matter to have the problems
A> presented to someone and they still advocate HTML!! <ducking
A> and running>

Man, where's a smelly old fish when you need one?  :)

My position is not one of advocating HTML, but a more practical
rather than an ivory tower view of the world.  Pandora opened her
HTML e-mail and it's here to stay. We techies have to figure out a
way to deal with it. TB! is one - filter the "meat" and ignore
the fluff.  Works for me, but I don't have a shortage of b/w.

Side note - In the vast majority of cases, the issue of bandwidth
is a red herring in this argument. Not that bandwidth doesn't
matter, but SPAM has become so overwhelming that its percentage
use of bandwidth far exceeds the cost of HTML. If b/w is the main
concern, SPAM needs to get the attention.

The battle of HTML vs. plain text is comparable to the religious
wars of Windows vs. Mac, Motif vs. OpenLook, etc. People have an
opinion, and they have facts to support their side. The other
side has just has many facts, too. It comes down to what a person
believes and values.

If you have a lot of b/w, "paying" 3K for a 1K message is not a
big deal and the "waving palms" aren't that bothersome other than
aesthetically.  If you don't, then _paying_ 3K for 1K hurts!

PS - I've not posted this much of my opinions in 10 years - in
this post and others recently. It must be pent up and
overflowing! Maybe more fiber would help. :)

Dave Kennedy

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