Hello Peter,

> Yes. That would work - except what I use a real address hosted at a big
> ISP (@adr.dk). Since the MSID (which is that thing that can be filtered
> on) includes this (e.g. "References:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>") - and other people also has a MSID
> containing "adr.dk", I don't know what to do.

I forgot to answer to this part of your message a few days ago, sorry.

The way I solve this is:
- Create and use a separate account for newsgroups on this server.
- On the Properties General tab, include a From and Reply-To address
with a fake domain that you know does not exist. This fake domain is the
one that will be used to build MIDs and you can then filter on it.
- Create a folder for each newsgroups you are subscribed to (I assume
you already do this) and on the Properties/Identity tab include your
>From and Reply-To address with the "adr.dk" domain.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

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