rich gregory wrote:
> I finally decided that TB likes OLDEST mssgs at the top!

I noticed that the TB* archives use newest thread at top, with
the messages themselves sorted date ascending - using the oldest message
of that thread at the top-level.

For those using newest at top, this is a really great set up for reading
threaded mailing lists. Maybe everyone knows this already (it took me
awhile to find this setting when I was using newest top):

Preferences > Message List > The oldest message begins a thread by

*<off-topic> Is is redundant to say the TheBat! ?  And how do you
punctuate that last sentence?  Even with quotes, it still looks weird:
Is is redundant to say the "TheBat!"? </off-topic>

 Ken Green
 TheBat! v1.62r, Win2000 SP4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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