Thursday, September 25, 2003, Deborah W wrote:

> No, because the names of those programs are Eudora, Becky & Outlook
> Express <spit> <G>

> But the name of this one is "The Bat". The "The" is part of its name.

> Confused yet?

Not really...

"The The Bat e-mail client..." could be a bit mind-boggling, but it
seems correct. (Nope, I'm not a linguist so I have to go on gut feeling
on this one)
"The Bat e-mail client..." is plainly wrong, because Bat! (if there
exists one of those) is another piece of software.
A much better approach altogether would be "The e-mail client The

> Canis meus id comedit.

That looks like latin. I don't know latin. Translation pleeeeeease.


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