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Hi Andrew,
In a message with mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 30 Sep 2003 12:28:09  (my local time 13:28:09), you typed:
AH>   Two  other  problems I have are that the source viewer (press f9) is
AH>   not  accessible  to  me at any rate, because when you press the down
AH>   arrow  it moves the whole screen down instead of the cursor, this is
AH>   known  to  screen  reader users as a static cursor, and is something
AH>   that  makes a lot of email clients inaccessible, and is one reason I
AH>   like  The Bat for email, as it does not have one on the main message
AH>   viewer.
Sorry, i must be tired or something, i don't fully understand where
the problem lies, on the other hand, I've never used the "view source"
feature, so can't really say what this is supposed to do.

AH> Also, in the spell checker, when pressing alt+c to change a
AH>   word to the sellected choice, it doesn't seem to happen, instead the
AH>   same  word comes up and up again for correction in the same place in
AH>   the document.

Hmm, haven't checked into this. A few seconds later... I've actually
checked the spell checker dialog, and i think that your best bet is to
tab around the dialog, this seems to work kinda nice.
Sorry i couldn't be of more help.

- --

- --
/Krister mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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