Hallo Gerrit,

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 23:04:41 +0200GMT (6-10-03, 23:04 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RO>> Isn't that difficult
GK> Thanks! I had to read it three times to fully comprehend what you
GK> wrote. ;-) I am utterly amazed by the scope of these two filters. I
GK> thought of one specific filter for the %AttachFile-macro. You
GK> presented a general control mechanism.

Well, as I said, it isn't very difficult. The only thing you've got to
study is restricting access. The easiest way to do that is a password
eventually combined with a sender address. More complicated things can
be accomplished, but you'll have to realise that anybody capable of
breaking your code and at the same time being able to give the full
path to any of your files probably has access to your computer and
won't bother to access them via mail, especially not since it's likely
to be found out who did it. (received headers of incoming messages
explain a lot)

GK> If I only imagine the faces of my colleagues when I phone in one day
GK> to tell them "Please start up my computer. I want to do some
GK> e-mailing)".... ;-)


GK> But I am not at ease with the password in the subject, since these
GK> are very easy revealed (usually logged and so on). I actually started
GK> already thinking of a %SetHeader generating a pass-field.

That's as likely to be breached as anything. TB's not the only program
that can create it's own headers.

GK> Thinking of what I wanted to do in the first place (sending a certain
GK> document to myself) I might gain safety by making the second filter
GK> only send to my own e-mailaddress. But I think these macro's
GK> would be able to break that precaution and any file could be send
GK> anyware! So at the moment I think these filters should not be used
GK> lightly. 

In that case you'd better restrict the scope of the filters.
Make your reply message something like


Now the only thing you need to insert in your command message is the
path/name of the file you want to get and only that at the very top of
the message body. The reason for the double To macro is that even if
somebody got the filter being triggered that the message would get to
you whatever the reply-to header of the command message would be.

RO>> Set your password (secret code is rather dramatic) <snip>
GK> (still looking for a "secret code") ;,

What what you say about this: OnlyMeAndNobodyElse
As good as any other password. ;-)

Groetjes, Roelof

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