Hello Eddie,

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 18:29:54 EDT GMT (19/10/2003, 05:29 +0700 GMT),

>>>Try shift-ctrl-alt-L.

> Thanks Thomas.  I tired it, but got a message that read 0 lost folders found.

I am sure you have checked this already, I am just goping through it:

1.) The accounts must exist. If they don't, create them manually.

2.) Home Directory under Account / Files & Directories must point to
where the lost folders actually are on the HD.

> I don't get it. I've done this trasnfer thing before. Its not the
> 1st time. I take each account folder and move it from the backup to
> inside the "Mail" folder on the new PC.

Backup (rename) the account.* files. Then create the accounts in TB
and close TB. Now overwrite the newly created account.* files with the
backups and reopen TB. Your Account / Properties setting should be
fine from the backups.

*Now* hit shft-crtl-alt-L.

TB will not find accounts; the key combo above will find only lost
folders of existing accounts.



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