Hi Steve,

on 22/10/03 you wrote:

ST>   Two questions:  1)  what do these numbers mean?  2) How do I purge
ST>   messages marked for deletion?

The 1st number is the number of messages in the folder on the server.

The second <angle bracketed> number is the number of messages in the
folder on The Bat!

Yes, I'd also have thought they'd be the other way 'round.

It seems IMAP doesn't 'delete' messages from folders in the same way
as we expect. Deleting a message leaves it in the folder but marks it
for deletion. It is only removed when the Trash folder on the server
is emptied, or the folder is purged in the Bat (see next paragraph).

In the Bat the option Folder>Purge & Compress works for me to put
these numbers right, if you know what I mean ... to fully synchronise
and purge messages marked for deletion on the server.

A week or so ago I was asking if this purging could be automated and
by the looks of it it can't yet : (

FYI... the FAQs at Fastmail have a wealth of information about IMAP.
They are also a magnificent mail server, with filtering options the
likes of which are only bettered by TB. This means that all your basic
filtering can be done well enough on the server, getting round at
least some of the filtering probs you mentioned earlier.



David Boggon


More than 3.5 million children across sub-Saharan Africa have lost both parents to AIDS
(source: UN 2003)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


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