One thing that annoys me is reading about functionailty and features
  in TB! that for some reason suddenly behave different (and wrongly).

  For example, I have a great number of rules. Some of these rules are
  handling mailing lists. And suddenly, under certain conditions the
  rules are broken! I have rules that forward mail. These rules use the
  macro %FROM - like;

  Up to now - in version 1.6x, %FROM behaved correctly - but now it's not!

  Why is it that an Incoming message (original message) where From is:
  "Glennie, David {LRUC Programme, BST}" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  converted to
  Glennie, David{LRUCProgramme, BST} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 (yes, no hyphens) in the outgoing mail (Sent Mail)?
  And when the forwarded message is mirrored back the second time it's
  FROM is converted into one long and broken line

  Why is functionality that worked previousely malfunctioning now!?!

  This is not the only bug - here is another:

  If you have made a macro that fills out FROM, SUBJECT, COMMENTS etc.,
  the pre-filled fields and their default values are reinstated when you
  move the cursor UNLESS you change/type something into the message body
  first (thus causing a change to its content)! COMMENTS and TO fails to
  accept new entries unless you modify message body first!


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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