Hi Kitty,

@4-Nov-2003, 20:46 -0600 (05-Nov 02:46 UK time) Kitty said to Marck:

MDP>> 1) On your "Account properties | Mail management", set "8 bit
MDP>> characters are treated" to "Quoted printable".

MDP>>    This is the *only* way to stop TB sending Base64 encoding.

> You don't understand.  I've done that.  I did that *ages* ago. I
> understand that should solve the problem. The problem is that it
> hasn't solved it.

Well, your message to *this* list was not base64 encoded. It was
actually 7 bit according to the headers.

MDP>> 2) Use the old MicroEd editor, not the "Windows" editor. You
MDP>> are    sending horrendously long lines and you really ought
MDP>> not do MDP> that if you're writing to mailing lists.

> You know, I didn't have any problem with that until I upgraded to
> version 2.

Well, the new editor didn't exist before v2. Check your editor
preferences. Maybe a routing server is taking exception to your long
lines and is encoding your message because of them. Plain text
messages should wrap at around column 70. Yours have no wrapping at
all. This is not a good thing to do. Check your editor preferences.

> It isn't like I went in and changed anything deliberately.

Are you certain you didn't try to switch to the alternate editor for
its greater familiarity (like notepad in use)? Well, if you say not,
I believe you. It may have got set that way in transit between

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.01.26 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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