Hi Rich,

@10-Nov-2003, 12:05 -0500 (10-Nov 17:05 UK time) rich gregory [RG]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

RG> In fact, almost ALL of the arrow-key commands do not work as
RG> they are supposed to.

Perhaps you have it configured incorrectly. It works exactly right
for me. All keys work as expected and as "supposed to". Blocks
should not be "persistent" and should be set for "Overwrite".

RG> Highlighting, deleting, and inserting characters don't work as
RG> they should either in the MicroEd editor.

The cursor will move using the arrow and page keys exactly as it
should and in just the same way as it does in every other editor
I've used on Windows. Home and End take you to the beginning and end
of line respectively and the Shift modifier make the editor select
text as it moves the cursor. That's all *exactly* as it should be.
Where's your problem?

RG> This, in fact is another topic: The Bat! does not corretly use
RG> STANDARD editing keystrokes. Watch your in-boxes!

It uses a whole range of standard keystroke for editing. They may
not be a standard with which you are familiar - it is the "WordStar"
standard, used in many editors (including Borland's SideKick) since
the early 1980's. That's in the MicroEd editor.

RG> Try cutting and pasting (esp between the body, the TO:, FROM:,
RG> SUBJECT, etc)!

Works perfectly adequately, if a bit quirky. Mind you, the selection
of text in the edit control fields is *completely* unrelated to the
workings of MicroEd. They are very different areas.

RG> Try highlighting ANY of the hedaer fields when creating a
RG> message (to, say delete one or 2 names from a list of addressees
RG> or to shorten the subject line)!

Use the mouse if unsure. I can easily select anything I want in the
header fields with the keyboard. Use Ctrl-Arrow or Arrow to find the
starting letter, Shift / Ctrl-Shift arrow to select what I want and
delete or cut. Okay, if I make a mistake, it's unforgiving and I
usually have to start over. That's when I reach for the mouse (okay
- the touchpad).

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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