Hello Mary,

On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 8:14:46 PM, you wrote:

>   I am not very familiar with the concept of selective uoting in
> replies as I am used to just posting reply at top of message.  It
> seems like a very awkward process.  Or is that a normal reaction to
> someone who is new to doing this?
I think it is, but in my opinion it is more readable than a
answer that you post above the original message (called top

> could someone explain how to do this or point me to a place where I
> can read about it?
I do not know a place where you can read about it, but I can
explain what selective quoting is.

You type a reaction below the text your responding to like I'm
doing now.

> When I select one part of a message to respond to, I hit F4 and can
> write a reply, but the rest of the message disappears.  Is the answer
> simply cursoring through the message and leaving a blank line between
> the quotes and my response?  Thanks for helping this novice!
When you select a text and hit F4, The Bat! will only quote the
selected text in the mail. The way that I'm responding to your
message is just press answer and the whole text is quoted.

Then I delete the parts of the text that are not important, and
when I want to respond to a part of the text I just type my
remarks below it and move the following text (of your original
message down)

When you receive some more messages from this list you will see
what selective quoting means.

It means just leave the text that your responding to in the
message as a quote and type your response below it.


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Murphy's First Law: Nothing is as easy as it looks.




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