Hello Mary Anne,

on Wednesday 12 November 2003 20:14, you wrote:

>   I am not very familiar with the concept of selective uoting in
> replies as I am used to just posting reply at top of message.  It
> seems like a very awkward process.  Or is that a normal reaction to
> someone who is new to doing this?

I'd say, the latter. *s*

> could someone explain how to do this or point me to a place where I
> can read about it?

I have the %QUOTES macro in my reply template, so the complete original text 
appears, when I hit "reply". I go through the text from top to bottom, delete 
what is unnecessary for my reply, and add my answer where it fits.


A: Because it reverses the logical flow of information.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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