Hello Vasiliy,

Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 11:31:33 AM, you wrote:

> Please,  may  you  give me a link for Pocomail home page and download?
> You  are  interested me in this program :) It's curious for me to look
> through the Pocomail. Thanks in advance!

In response to this and some other inquiries:


What I liked (these are matters of personal taste):

1.  I liked the Poco Console better than the TB ticker.  The console comes
up at the side and tells you how many new e-mails you have in each
mailbox.  You can then quickly scan the subject lines and click on a
message bringing it up to look at and reply.  I always personally
found the TB ticker distracting and the Pocomail console not

2.  To make a filter quickly, right click in the message index list on
the field you want to filter by.  That brings up a box to create a
filter that filters on that specific field.  I found this quicker and
easier than the TB's method of quickly creating a filter. (one caveat:
 you can't create a folder while making a filter and have to do so
 before hand; they say they are planning to change this so you can
 create a folder)

 3. With TB I display everything by a full height tree at left with
 the accounts and folders.  With Pocomail you can do the same but can
 also have a pane for your address book which makes it easy.  You can
 also do some drag and drop filters with the address book.

 4.  When you are looking at the preview of messages there are several
 choices on the right of each message for headers, reply, reply all,
 print etc.  yes, I know you can do those things in TB but the way
 Pocomail puts them on the right of the message makes it very easy and
 they stand out.

 5.  Where someone's e-mail address is in the from portion of the
 e-mail this is a small cross next to the name.  Click on it and it
 adds them to the address book.  Again, I just found this very
 intuitive and easy to do.  There is also a button by each e-mail
 address that you can click and it gives you the address book details
 for the person.

 6.  For many mailing lists, there is a field called List info.  Click
 on it and it gives the posting, subscribing and unsubscribing info.

 7.  Within a folder in the message index there is a tab called show
 all.  You highlight a message and click on show all and there are
 many choices such as show all messages from that person, show all
 unread messages, show all messages after a certain date, show all
 messages before a certain date, shall messages with attachments, show
 all unencrypted mail, etc.  This is a great way to have a
 large folder and only display a few of the messages without having to
 go through a search function.  I used this function a *lot* in

 8.  Threading.  You can choose whether to thread by reference and
 then by subject and then by re:  The advantage is that it threads by
 reference when it can and then by subject when it can't.  I really
 like that feature as well since I don't have to choose either/or on
 the threading.

 9.  When you annotate a message the annotated text actually shows up
 as a field in the headers when you view the message.

 10.  You don't have separate folders for every account that you have.
  You have one Inbox, etc. regardless of number of accounts.  Now, I
  have grown used to how TB does it and that has its advantages.
  However, when I moved over from Eudora years ago I was very
  distressed that were not common folders that all accounts used.
  Yes, I know TB has common folders now but it isn't the same.

  I realize many might say they like how TB does things better than
  Pocomail or that TB can do the same as Pocomail through a different
  procedure.  And, that is true.  It is just that with Pocomail it was
  very intuitive and easy to do the above things and I personally like
  how Pocomail does it better than TB.  I also know TB does things
  Pocomail doesn't do.  TB is much, much stronger on templates and
  somewhat stronger on filters (although Pocomail's are really quite
  powerful).  And, TB does handled the intricacies of plain text
  better than Pocomail (although Pocomail was adequate for my needs).
  And, finally, Pocomail does seem slower and may not be able to
  handle really high mail volume.

Best regards,
 Kitty                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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