Hi Thomas

Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 8:24:56 PM, you wrote:

S>>> 1)  I would like to see the folder name in the list change colors when ever there 
S>>> an error getting email. When I have multiple email accounts, and hear the same
S>>> sound for a get email error, its a pain to track down which one(s) are the
S>>> problem....  on error, change folder name color would be cool.  Keep the bold
S>>> for new/unread email, just give it a red if the error dings for that account....

TF> No; I have the same problem as Scott.

I agree with both of you. This would be very helpful.

TF> However, I'm not a friend of many colours on one screen, but a pop-up is
TF> even more annoying, and I have no other idea how to make it easy to
TF> determine which account failed.

Colors are a great way to draw attention to screen objects. Far more effective
than most other factors, and this has been scientifically proven. One problem
I can see with this scenario is that the user might have to scroll up/down the
account tree if they are all expanded, and the offending account might not be
immediately visible. I just woke up, though, and my woolly brain fails to
suggest a better alternative than below for now :)

Apart from this. The log panel at the bottom of the screen has always seemed
to be lacking one essential detail to me - the account *name*. I am aware of
what it picks out from the log files to display, but it wouldn't be too
difficult to tack on an account name to that error. As it stands, I find it
not of much use simply because I have so many accounts. Seeing simply "5
messages received" or "error, blah blah" does not help me. In a single account
scenario it would be great. If the last one checked also happened to have an
error, the log panel could provide a partial solution to Simon's problem.
Partial because it won't work if multiple accounts conked out.

Or we could have a little error panel button in there somewhere...ahhh..I need
to go wake up properly before I do this!



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