> Hi Scott,

> It might be easier to look at the log file to se what the error was. I
> am assuming that do do not have to many errors that often.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Original message text=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
I do not find it easy but then again I have multiple accounts (yea, more than
any normal person should have).  Since the bat is doing "nice" things for us
(like sign our name) I thought it could alert me to which account is having the
problems...  The other option I guess I could do is record 30 different wave
files, go into 30 different setup configs, and set up the error tone to play my
unique wave file... but I got the bat so I could continue to be lazy (hehe)

Windows 2000
The Bat 2.01.3
Popfile Spam Filter http://popfile.sourceforge.net/

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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