1)  I would like to see the folder name in the list change colors when ever there is
an error getting email. When I have multiple email accounts, and hear the same
sound for a get email error, its a pain to track down which one(s) are the
problem....  on error, change folder name color would be cool.  Keep the bold
for new/unread email, just give it a red if the error dings for that account....

2) The ability to have TheBat check email 1 account at a time (sequential or in
a que) instead of multi-thread all accounts (set to that time) at once checking.

Windows 2000
The Bat 2.01.3
Popfile Spam Filter http://popfile.sourceforge.net/
... as many people that I have turned on to TheBat, I might qualify as a
reseller by now...

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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