Hallo Richard,

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 20:14:28 +0500GMT (15-12-03, 16:14 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

RHS> But it went far too quickly given my slow dial up connection. I
RHS> checked my connection status, and it showed nowhere near that number
RHS> of kb sent (yes, it was showing only kb sent - it hadn't even reached
RHS> 1mb yet), and my Norton AV icon shows it still scanning an outgoing
RHS> message, so I didn't log off as I normally would. I have no idea if it
RHS> went okay or not. Anyone have any advice on how to get the connection
RHS> center to not close until the send is complete? And how to verify
RHS> whether it actually went?

What happens here is that TB sends the message. However due to your
settings it's delivering it's message to Norton's AV proxy.
Norton doesn't do any real time scanning, what it really does is
receiving the message via an smtp service, stores the message to disk,
scans the stored file and sends it further after it's being processed.
So when TB sends a message, it doesn't send it to your ISP's smtp
server, but it sends the message to a local smtp service on your pc.
That's a high speed connection. ;-) So TB thinks the message has been
delivered. Keep in mind that because of this you can't use the setting
that TB ends the connection when it has delivered the message.

What you're asking is therefore not a TB thing. It's a Norton thing
and as I don't use that, I don't know whether Norton AV has easy
accessible log files to check your mail delivery.

Groetjes, Roelof

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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