Hello Marck,

Tuesday, December 23, 2003, 1:14:24 AM, you wrote:

> @22-Dec-2003, 18:29 -0500 (22-Dec 23:29 UK time) rich gregory [RG]
> in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to jwayne:

j>>> ... the Ctrl-shift-left arrow keeps everything highlighted and
j>>> puts the cursor at the beginning of the field.

RG>> This is one of my BIGGEST complaints with TB. Though I use TB
RG>> myself (and put up with it's numerous oddities) I could never
RG>> recommend this product to any clients as this sort of thing
RG>> (among others) is just too unprofessional.

> I would certainly not let the way a minor edit field implementation
> hold me back from heartily recommending TB to anyone, anytime. This
> is such a tiny flaw compared to more serious issues with the HTML
> generated by the HTML editor for instance (not that I use it that
> often) or the loss of folder some have experienced during some of
> the beta cycles.

I would *love* to try get my boss into TB! and maybe switch the whole office, but at 
least let ME have TB! at work, but as long as the HTML implementation is in such a bad 
shape, i can't. Fun is, HTML mail is a must at work *sigh*. So I have to keep working 
with Outbook 2000.

RG>> Again, both are quite unprofessional.

> That's harsh. Yes, redo should be there I suppose. If I implement an
> undo function I implement a redo at the same time. But I wouldn't go
> so far as to say "Unprofessional". NotePad has no redo. DOpus has no
> redo. RegEdit has Neither undo nor redo. Windows Explorer has no
> redo.

> As a rule, most software whose main purpose is editing has both undo
> and redo. TB's main function is mail receive and read, not editing.
> I'll bet you receive over 10 times the number of mails you write.
> Undo doesn't figure there.

well, I would also say it's unprofessional, and I (as a non programmer) keep wondering 
how hard it can be to implement a redo function properly. But I would also say it's 
just one out of the long list of minor annoyances compared to the equally long list of 
GREAT items. The only real insect in TB! for me is the HTML stuff. I am not really 
using IMAP...


"It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.  For men it's called lying."

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