Jwayne, [J] wrote:

J> Ironic that they'd implement this important feature only in the HTML
J> editor when TB users are the most "anti-HTML for email" crowd around!

I think that MicroEd, including both alternative editors were not
written from scratch. They're grounded on established code for the
editor types with which they're similar. Undo/Redo is standard for the
other two, while MicroEd doesn't have a redo function. I guess they'd
have to code that in, and this would be good.

Furthermore, note that there's no facility for the alternative editor to
wrap text upon sending. Just another example of specific and basic
functionality that isn't there because specific coding/programming would
be needed for that.

We'll just have to wait for these things to be implemented.

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{`-=^=-`}       Using TB! v2.03.11 on WinXP Pro (SP1)
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