MDP> Hi Rich,

Hi! And Best Wishes to all!!

j>>> ... the Ctrl-shift-left arrow keeps everything highlighted and
j>>> puts the cursor at the beginning of the field.
RG>> This is one of my BIGGEST complaints with TB.
MDP> This is such a tiny flaw compared to

Tiny? I'll give you "small"! There are times when I have a heck of a lot of
email addresses on the BCC: line that need to be trimmed and this can be a
huge (give me "appreciable"?) frustration, having to start highlighting
addresses all over again over and over again. The part that strikes me as
unprofessional is that this is an old reported problem that (not being a
programmer myself) ought to be easy to fix!

MDP> more serious issues with the HTML generated by the HTML editor for
MDP> instance (not that I use it that often) or the loss of folder some have
MDP> experienced during some of the beta cycles.

I rarely if ever use the HTML editor (and I understand the "not sending" bug
has been fixed) but although these little things alone are nothing, they add
up to me becoming tech support for every user I might move to TB!

MDP> Compare the usefulness of the header editing area with the sheer power
MDP> of the always safe HTML rendering, the AB template macro system, regular
MDP> expression automated data extraction, reliability of the message base.
MDP> To me, it sounds almost like fussing about the bad design of the
MDP> indicator stalk in a Ferrari. To deprive people of the recommendation of
MDP> the power and safety inherent in TB over so petty a problem seems

I love the analogy! But what if the indicator stalk design does not function
as a new Ferrari owner is able to use without new driver's ed? And the
shifting, and the door locks, and...

I have already recommend TB to several of my "power user" friends. I cannot
move employees at any of the companies I do tech support for to TB! as the
owners would then become quite unhappy with the loss of productivity from the
employees' learning curve issues. Granted, after a couple of months some of
the new users might see the advantages, maybe even the owners, but certainly
not for some time. And in the meantime *I* become email-boy, charging for
additional tech support for 30 people (which owners *HATE*) instead of
network-man who is on retainer (which owners just hate to pay)!

RG>> Also a big problem with the formatting is that as quoted lines get
RG>> longer and longer with each reply (what with all the >>>>>>>s getting
RG>> added) the wrap ceases to properly attribute the quote to the proper
RG>> author. That REALLY sucks, especially when you have a very long email to
RG>> now correct the quotes for.
MDP> Not if you reformat them. Either use the recursive wrap template
MDP> macro published in the Library (which is what I personally use) or
MDP> manually Alt-L for each paragraph to which you are replying.
MDP> Erm - whatever happened to "trim to context"?

I'll have to look at the recursive wrap template you mention. How does it
work, what does it do? (I am going to end up with 20 templates in my TB! that
I'd also have to support for these other users!)

As for "whatever happened to 'trim to context'"...

Trimming only shortens text vertically. You'll still see lines get so long
across from the constant addition of double, triple, and more right arrows (I
can't put them in right here or else TB! thinks I'm quoting!) at the start of
each line that eventually emails that have gone back and forth many times the
quoting becomes problematic. Next time I see this I'll send it to the group.
I cannot explain this without an example handy. You can see it is going to
start here with the lines that start with "j" soon.

MDP> Yes, redo should be there I suppose. If I implement an undo function I
MDP> implement a redo at the same time. But I wouldn't go so far as to say
MDP> "Unprofessional". NotePad has no redo. DOpus has no redo. RegEdit has
MDP> Neither undo nor redo. Windows Explorer has no redo.

I threw NotePad away a long time ago. Don't know Opus. We've been taught a
long time ago about RegEdit (export before making any changes as a
work-around). I suppose folks who regularly use Regedit have found a
replacement as I have for NotePad.

Doesn't Windows Explorer use the Micro$oft standard CTRL-Y for redo? It may.
I bet NotePad does too. To me none of this is an excuse for not having a redo
feature in an editor.

MDP> As a rule, most software whose main purpose is editing has both undo
MDP> and redo. TB's main function is mail receive and read, not editing.
MDP> I'll bet you receive over 10 times the number of mails you write.
MDP> Undo doesn't figure there.

My email does need to be an efficent editor as (not counting the 90% that are
spam) I send *way* more emails than I receive.

Maybe this is why I have these (minor) issues that you do not care about? The
body and the header editing have been a sore spot for me since adopting TB!
as I require these features quite often. I'd have to be pretty upset with TB!
before I'd go back to using Eudora again (which has address editing down
perfectly, and I miss dearly, though the text editor is no better).

MDP> I understand that you have a low opinion with regard to TB and a
MDP> right to have it. Mine differs.

You are wrong about my TB opinion! Though I may sound quite anti-bat I am not
at all. Actually, I hold TB in very high regard. With all the other products
out there (most of which I have tested) I am using it, ain't I?

I am by nature a "devils advocate". I often voice opinions on matters worthy
of discussion if I can help others see both sides of an issue. Would you say
these things ought not be discussed?

Perhaps this is one reason I am not liked so well here it would (sometimes)
seem, but that is OK.

Remember, perhaps after discussion we'll have found something can/should be
'fixed' thereby, in the end, making for a better, much more polished product
that we can champion to EVERYBODY, not just power users.


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