Mau, [M] wrote:

M> Like moderators say when they act as such, please don't feel singled
M> out Cris by what I am going to comment or ask you. Most things apply
M> to many others on this and other TB lists.

Isn't it a nice diplomatic start? :)

M> - Who cares about the date and time Mary Bull wrote her message? If I
M> cared, I could always look it up in her message. Which in a threaded
M> by reference view is right above yours.

Not everyone threads by references, or necessarily keeps every message
in a thread. So the message isn't always conveniently above the other to
make reference to.

I know that threading by references rocks and agree with the convenience
but some may choose not to do so for whatever reason they may have.

M> - And even more, who cares about which was your local time when Mary
M> Bull wrote her message? I know you don't do this, but many others do.
M> See why you don't have to feel singled out?

I do question the necessity of this one. However, who knows who may very
well care about this. And why is it you, or I for that matter, have to
care about everything in an introduction for it to be worthwhile

M> - Why do you have to repeat that Mary Bull wrote the message you are
M> replying to? I can see her message right above yours.

This is reliably true only if you thread by references and/or if the the
reader had not already deleted the previous messages in the thread. On a
few occasions in the past, I have been confused when this information
was not included in a reply and it really annoyed me since it takes
little effort to include it. Why? It's fully automated in most clients
and would therefore amount to a *deliberate* act on the part of the
writer to have it removed.

M> - Why do you have to repeat the subject? I can see it in the Subject:
M> of your message and in the Subject of all messages in the thread.

Yes. This does seem redundant, IMO. However, we all have our styles in
presenting ourselves.

M> - Who cares about Mary Bull's message ID number? Why do you include it
M> before quoting what you want to quote? Does it help to something or
M> someone?

Again, for those who don't thread, or for those who use a ticker virtual
folder and may not have the full thread in view.

M> As I said Cris, please don't feel singled out. I just used you to ask
M> the same questions to many others.

Same here. This response is for not only you but for those who may be
wondering about the same things as you here. :)

     -= allie_M =- | List Moderator
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