Hello Bobi,

On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 3:38:26 AM, you wrote
re: Sort/Scroll to the last received message(s):

BJ> Hello Deborah,

BJ> On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 08:19:40[GMT [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which was
BJ> 16:19 where I live) Deborah wrote:
Deborah>> On Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 6:44:26 PM, Wayne Howard wrote:

WH>>> 1) I actually do not want to go to any unread messages. What I
WH>>> really want to do is go to the oldest new message. Sometimes I
WH>>> skip over messages that are not important, i.e. spam. I want to be
WH>>> able to quickly see what messages have been added to the folder
WH>>> since I last opened the folder. I do this in MS Outlook all the
WH>>> time.

Deborah>> So you want to *see* but not *open* your unread messages, right? In
Deborah>> that case, why not use the View-Display-Only Unread Messages option?

BJ> He and me too don't want to screen read messages neither.

That is correct.

WH>>> 2) I want it to be automated. I don't want to scroll or use a
WH>>> keystroke.

Deborah>> Hmmmm...I guess I don't see it as such a big deal to use one keystroke
Deborah>> to do what I want to do. TB gives me much more flexibility in moving
Deborah>> around my email that Outlook (or anything else I've ever tried) - that
Deborah>> matters more to me.

BJ> You  didn't  read  his  situation clearly. He and many of us often only read
BJ> some  part of messages, especially in the mailing list case, thus leave read
BJ> and  unread  msgs staggered everywhere. Every day, we make TB! purge msgs on
BJ> exit  to  automatically  delete  old read and unread msgs, this makes in the
BJ> next  time  TB  lose  its  msg  selection,  it's  really  inconvenient,  and
BJ> Ctl-Alt-Right  keystroke can not solve this situation, because the keystroke
BJ> only  makes  TB  select  the  first unread msg which in most case is what we
BJ> don't  interested  one;  We  lost and need take burden to find where we last
BJ> time at.

This is similar to my experience but I am not automatically deleting

Wayne Howard

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