Allie Martin wrote:
> Of course, what tends to disrupt TB! remembering which message you were
> last reading in each folder is when you do some sort of maintenance
> operation on the message base. This is why I avoid doing that unless
> it's really warranted.

Allie, I agree with you in that (for me) the most important behavior is
returning to the last message selected/viewed.

I supposed I can understand why a compress/purge would "break" the
pointer to the last viewed message since that operation is acting on the
message base.  What I don't like is having a filter break the pointer.

If I invoke a filter that ends up hiding the last selected message, then
remove the filter, why should focus jump to the top?  Nothing is being
written to the message base, right?

Note that I am not selecting any message after applying the filter
(otherwise *that* would be the selected message).

This most often happens when I want to search a folder for posts from a
particular person and then move to another folder without removing the
filter.  Suddenly, the folder I've just moved to has invoked that filter
but I don't want it.  Removing the filter (no other action taken on
messages in this folder) put me at the top of the message list.

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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