Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 8:32:13 AM, you wrote:

L>> Thanks, came through fine, got the right account.cfg, it
L>> found the new password, but apparently the old one is
L>> still floating around somewhere. I can't figure out what
L>> password I used to set it up, either. Chemo brain :-(

MP> How many accounts do you have & how many account.cfgs
MP> do you have? Did you do a search (find file) for
MP> account.cfg on your HD(s)? Normally there should be
MP> one in the \mail directory as well as one in each of
MP> it's subdirectories.

Yes .. one for each account .. there are 4 accounts

MP> I suppose an account.cfg in your path would not influence The Bat!,
MP> though...

So far as I know, that one has always been there. It's
not bothering the other account.

L>> I think I'm going to have to do a reinstall, and I hope
L>> when I do it without 'account properties', it loses that
L>> old password.

MP> Would it help if you would - archive the account.*
MP> files first (so you still have them and are able to
MP> restore them) - then delete them one at a time to see
MP> if the problem disappears?

I actually did delete and rebuild the account.cfg for
that account; twice, I think ...

MP> There must be people who know more about this than I do...

If there are, they are being suspiciously silent :-) I
appreciate the ideas. I'm stumped .. I don't *really*
want to do a reinstall, if I can avoid it ...


TheBat 2.02.3 CE Windows 2000Service Pack 2

[EMAIL PROTECTED]    * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2

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