On Monday, February 23, 2004, 3:52 PM, you wrote:

M> I'm on XP. Problem.
M> Would need to restore old version of Bat, but I'm
M> worried about causing problems if new features (views)
M> have been recorded in data files - are they backward
M> comparable?  If a fix is going to be posted for this
M> very soon, I can wait.

Before I upgrade to any new version, and at least monthly, I back up my
TB setup. I do this using Allie's backup program ( check the archive),
called tbbackup.bat. I will append MY version of that file here:

----start tbbackup.bat
Echo  ************************************************
Echo  * !!  Updating Backup Archive of TB-Mail    !! *
Echo  *     (C:\tmp\software\The Bat!\TBBackup\TB-Mail.rar)        *
Echo  ************************************************

REM ;Path C:\Software\winrar
REM ;winrar a -u -as \\Alliem\L\TBBackup\TB-Mail.rar C:\Mail

Path "C:\Program Files\winrar"
copy "C:\tmp\software\The Bat!\TBBackup\TB_Mail.rar"  "C:\tmp\software\The 
winrar a -u -as "C:\tmp\software\The Bat!\TBBackup\TB_Mail.rar" "C:\Program Files\The 

REM;I backup to my server which has a nice Seagate Cheetah as its main

REM;C:\Mail is my working mail directory. This should be
REM;"C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Mail" for most.

REM;The path before that defines the name and location of the rar archive
REM;you're backing up to. If one isn't there, it will just create one and
REM;do a full backup on the first go. After that, it simply analyses the
REM;archive and update only the changed files. This saves time and

REM;Use the winrar command switches as shown.

REM;a  - create archive

REM;u  - update an existing archive

REM;as - synchronise an existing archive with a target source
 REM;    directory/file.

REM;The Echo part just suppresses all the stuff that will normally fill
REM;the console window when the cmd script is running and the announcement
REM;in the asterisk is put in it's place. Makes for a cleaner visual if I
REM;happen to be awake when it starts running.

REM;I do the same for the registry. I do it separately but you could do it
REM;all in one swoop (I guess I will shortly integrate the two. I don't
REM;know why I separated them in the first place). My TB! registry backup
REM;goes like this:

@Echo Off
copy "C:\tmp\software\The Bat!\TBBackup\tbreg.reg"  "C:\tmp\software\The 
del "C:\tmp\software\The Bat!\TBBackup\tbreg.reg"
regedit /e "C:\tmp\software\The Bat!\TBBackup\tbreg.reg" hkey_current_user\software\rit


;You could use WinRAR and the system scheduler to do unattended backups
;of many files and folders on your system. No need for 3rd party
;software. :-)
------ end tbbackup.bat

Using The Bat! v2.04.4 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1
Jan2004 (4.1.342)  (avast! version number)
0402-0 (20.02.2004) (avast! DB version number)
4.1.342 (avast! plugin version number)

Current version is 2.04.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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