Monday, February 23, 2004, 5:48:37 PM, you wrote:

MAU> I finally downloaded 2.02.3 CE (which is still available from
MAU> Ritlabs web site), and upgraded to that and then to v2.04.4 and it
MAU> is working now without problems.

  After reading this thread, I tried the search feature and The Bat
  stopped responding too.  I had gone directly from 2.01.3 to 2.04.4.
  Based on Miguel's advice, I too downloaded 2.02.3 and installed it
  over 2.04.4 and checked the search feature.  It worked as advertised.
  I then immediately reapplied 2.04.4 and now the search feature works
  for me in this latest version.  The whole process took less than 2


Using The Bat! v2.04.4 on Windows ME 4.90 Build 3000  

Current version is 2.04.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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