On Friday, March 05, 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] stated:

GM> On Friday, March 5, 2004, 3:10:55 PM, Wolffe wrote:

>> First, are you using your own SMTP server (ie MDaemon or ADR?) or
>> relying on your ISP's?

GM> The ISP's.

First, add your ISP's domainname to your tcp/ip configuration. I see
you are running XP .. not knowing how computer savvy you are, I'll
try to take it step at a time. There are several ways to get to your
TCP/IP settings, but the easiest for me is:
- click on start
- select (double click) control panel
- find and select Network connections
- double click on the network connection you use
- click on properties
- scroll down and highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
  + click on Properties
- click on Advanced (at bottom of properties window)
- select DNS tab
- select button "Append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes"
- check the box "Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix"
- (optional) put your ISPs DNS domain in the DNS suffix for this
   connection" box
   + looking at your email, your IPS's domain is swiftdsl.com.au
- check the box "Register this connection's addresses in DNS
- click OK ..OK .. Close .. send us a test email.

Be careful not to change any other settings or you wont be sending
the test message

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