Well I finally installed that V2 version recently and overall it seems a
little faster and still stable, so that's good. Two areas so far have
baffled me and I wonder if you good folks could help

1) I recently did a simple search for someone's email address in my 10+
accounts. I was ASTONISHED to find out that Ritlabs has apparently removed
the option for searching not only anywhere in the message but ACROSS ALL
ACCOUNTS IN TB. This has always been one my favorite features as it is so
incredibly useful. Why on earth would they remove this (what the @#%% were
they thinking...) and I know I can Control-A in that pane but it's a pain
<g> so is there a way to reactivate this somehow?

2) I have tried to configure Bayesit 0.4 g SE with the "average" and scores
of 80 and 60 (pretty much default) and direct the spam into the common junk
folder but after manually marking as junk about 500+ messages, including
many that were almost identical, Bayesit has still not directed a single
spam email there on its own. What am I missing or doing wrong?

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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