Thanks to everybody who answered my mail yesterday and welcomed me to the list.

Unfortunately, nobody seems to have any solution to my major problem: that The Bat is 
busy working with something for ca 15 minutes every morning before it downloads my 
mails. As I said, I've unchecked the virus and spam check functions and none of my 
other e-mail clients have ever behaved  this strange way, so I'm completely at a loss. 
Of course I have a firewall and a virus program but why would they only interfere with 
the Bat and not with the other mail programs? I forgot to mention that the Bat is only 
checking one single e-mail account, not many at the same time.

> It's impossible to start a new line by pressing Enter. 

>Yes, that's the way I do it. ;-)
>  Options -> Preferences -> Editor prefrences -> uncheck 'Autoformat'

I used to have Autoformat unchecked at the beginning, but when I had written an e-mail 
and afterwards added something in it, the line kept going on to the right for the 
whole paragraph, till I pressed Enter. This made me desperate, and I was so happy when 
I found the Autoformat function which stopped this. Does this mean I have to choose 
between either no word-wrapping or being able to press Enter for a new line (or toggle 
between them) - isn't it possible to have both at the same time?
I find the Bat great in many ways, but 15 minutes expensive online time to download a 
few mails is in the long run intolerable, I'm afraid. :-(

Best regards,

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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