On Tue 18 May 2004, 7:01:02 +1000, Britt Henrikson wrote:
>> It's impossible to start a new line by pressing Enter.
>>Yes, that's the way I do it. ;-)
>>  Options -> Preferences -> Editor prefrences -> uncheck 'Autoformat'
> I used to have Autoformat unchecked at the beginning, but when I had
> written an e-mail and afterwards added something in it, the line kept
> going on to the right for the whole paragraph, till I pressed Enter.
> This made me desperate, and I was so happy when I found the Autoformat
> function which stopped this. Does this mean I have to choose between
> either no word-wrapping or being able to press Enter for a new line (or
> toggle between them) - isn't it possible to have both at the same time?

Autowrap and Autoformat are not the same thing. You can keep Autowrap on
and have Autoformat turned off, then use the format block option
(Alt+L for format left) to reformat the paragraph if you need to.

Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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