Hello Robin,

Thursday, June 3, 2004, 6:15:25 AM, you wrote:

> On Thu 3 June 2004, 13:37:45 +1000, Roman Katzer wrote:
>> Emmm. Smiley definitions? Where would I find those?

> In the file "C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images\pdsf.msl" (adjust this if
> you have installed the software in a non-standard location). Edit it with
> a text editor.

I have removed all smiley except for what I see as the 'real' smileys

Smiley = ".\smile.gif", 0, ":-)", "smile"
Smiley = ".\sad.gif", 0, ":-(", "sad"
Smiley = ".\tungue.gif", 0, ":-P", "tungue"
Smiley = ".\pouty.gif", 0, ":-|", "pouty"
Smiley = ".\kissing.gif", 0, ":-*", "kissing"
Smiley = ".\laughing.gif", 0, "LOL", "laughing"
Smiley = ".\wink.gif", 0, ";-)", "wink"
Smiley = ".\grin.gif", 0, ":-D", "grin"



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