Hello Gerard,

On 04 June 2004, 08:52 +0200 (04/06/200407:52 local time) Gerard [G] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

AM>>> (A) Good
AM>>> (B) Bad
AM>>> (C) Ugly

MW>> TB! has some way to go... I can't see a single smiley in your last
MW>> message. I'm sure there should be two.

G> It only works with non-capitalised letters like here:

G> (a) Good
G> (b) Bad
G> (c) Ugly

I don't think it's as simple as that... I've got no smilies in this
thread at all now. Okay elsewhere. Also, if you look at the start of the
thread <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you'll see
that Roman used (C) (c) and both of these were turned into smilies.
Also, on another thread, I used (a) (b) etc. but in the reply some were
changed to capitals. I think it's still a little buggy.

I'm wondering if PGP sigs have something to do with it?

As ever,
Martin Webster
Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823 | PGP Key ID 0xD644460D

The Bat! 2.11.02 | BayesIt! 0.5.5 (Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1)

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