Hello Bob,

Friday, June 4, 2004, 9:18:40 PM, you wrote:

B> Smileys and Mail Chat- can anyone tell me why Ritlabs has added these
B> silly features to its awesome mailer? Why doesn't
B> Ritlabs just give its user base what they ask for instead of bloating
B> their program with this stuff?
B> I know I'm venting a bit and am inviting flames here, but I'd like to
B> know if anyone else agrees with me on this. I certainly hope this
B> isn't an indication of what's to come for The Bat!.

I agree with you.
I am still hesitating to make TB my default mailer. And what I read on
this list in these last couple of days about v2.11 does not encourage me at

Best regards,

[ TB! 2.10.01, Windows ME 4.90 Build 3000, Pentium 233Mhz with 95MB ]

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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