Hallo Britt,

On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 14:53:16 +0200GMT (6-7-2004, 14:53 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

BH> I write mails in several languages and have activated my own
BH> dictionaries (.dic files), but I haven't really grasped how it works:
BH> TB seems to be able to spell check also those languages with its own
BH> UserDic.

TB has its own library set, you don't need to create another one.

Every language you installed has two files, an ssceXX.tlx and an
ssceXX2.clx file, where XX stands for the language 'am' for American
English, 'du' for Dutch (that's an important one for me), 'go' for
German old spelling, etc

BH> So which dictionary should I add new words to - different
BH> depending on language, or all to UserDic and remove my own dics?

To userdic, you don't need to insert them manually, but via the
spell checker interface.

BH> When I add words to UserDic the red underlining disappears, when I
BH> add them to my own dics it stays.

Reason enough to add them to userdic, I'd say. ;-)

BH> Why is UserDic divided in so many .tlx files??

There's a tlx for every language

BH> Each one contains only a few hundred words,

Could be, I've never counted them.

BH> and the file UserDic.TLX itself contains only the word I've added
BH> to it.

That's its function.

BH> Would it be better to make them all into one big file?

No, TB would have no means to distinguish between languages.

BH> What does the letter 'i' after each added word in UserDic.TLX mean?


BH> What do the .clx files contain

Spell checker info <g>

BH> and can they be opened and edited?


BH> And why can TB only spell check this mail in BrE and not in AmE??

Because you haven't installed American English? does your 'speller'
directory contain the files ssceam.tlx and ssceam2.clx?

BTW Did you install all the languages in the international pack?

Groetjes, Roelof

Disclaimer: Any opinion stated in this message is not necessarily shared by my budgies 
or rabbits.

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