Hi Roelof,

> You can select the language?


> How do you see that it doesn't work? Won't it be/stay selected or
> don't you agree with the solutions?

If AmE is chosen, every single word in the mail is underlined with
red. As soon as I choose BrE instead, the lines disappear. Very
strange indeed.

BTW, what about these two questions?

> Oh, but in that case I must surely be able to manually copy all the
> words in my own .dic file into UserDic? My .dic file contains
> thousands of words that I've added to it over the years, and then I
> wouldn't have to add each word again to TB UserDic every time it comes
> up. Am I right?

>> TB would have no means to distinguish between languages.

> But TB UserDic now contains words from different languages. Hence my
> question if I should use one dictionary for each language to add new
> words to. If I add them all to UserDic, how does TB then distinguish
> between those languages?

Best regards,
Britt Henrikson
Using TB! 2.10.03 on Win2000

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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