Hello Thomas,

Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 7:28:12 PM, you wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 17:39:13 +0200 GMT (20/07/2004, 22:39 +0700 GMT),
> Jurgen Haug wrote:

JH>> finally  I  made it to a job where I can use TB!

> Good. In my office, Eudora is used, but when I said I want to use TB,
> the IT manager just shrugged and said "OK, but you won't get any
> support from my department!" ;-)

well  the  guy  here  gave  me his sermon about corporate wide standards and one
can't just install what one wants, but my boss backs me up, so I still use TB!

JH>> After doing heavy advertisement for it, my boss was delighted
JH>> today to find something that doesn't work.

> That so?

JH>> He copied and pasted from Excel into his Outlook mail and sent
JH>> that to me. Strange things happen (I would have expected TB! to
JH>> maybe not be able to just display it) the mail, according to TB!
JH>> was some 600 bytes big, whereas looking at it with Outlook, it was
JH>> 35 KB and Outlook could show the pasted thing.

> The difference in size is funny. Either he sent the Excel file with it
> or not. My first guess is that the message linked to a file on your
> company LAN, so that OL downloaded it from there but TB wouldn't.

Well  the thing is that he sent the mail mail, and I had set up TB to NOT delete
the  msg  on  the server, so I could see it in Outlook and TB! at the same time,
and  in  TB  it  had  35  KB or so, and I could see the little table that he was
copying  (it  was  not  markable, just like an image). and in TB! it had the 600
bytes and was empty! 8-()
Do  you  have OUtlook? I pulled the message via d&d out into Explorer and zipped
it, maybe that could help, too?

JH>> Any way how I can get this to work, or is this Billy-Boy-homebrewed?

> Was it an HTML mail with embedded Excel table? If so, TB should have
> displayed it properly. Check out the source (F9). If the table was on
> the company LAN, just point out how dangerous OL is!

Well  I  wonder  abou  the  server,  too, since he was mailing it CC: to my home
address,  too,  and  here TB! Also didn't display it, but it at least said
    ##OLE  OBJECT##
(but the size was only 1800 BYTES! so i was empty too. This is really a mystery! 
Anyone from RITLABS reading this???

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw:


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