Saturday, July 24, 2004, 6:16:28 PM, Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

re baysian sorting...

> So far, I've tried simulating that functionality by combining TheBat with
> PopFile (a Bayes filter that can handle multiple buckets and not only keep
> ham and spam apart, If you limit yourself
> to a reasonable number of buckets (so that the learning won't take forever)
> you can set up virtual folders that filter by the X-Text-Classification
> header that PopFile adds to the messages.

> However, wrong classifications by PopFile (which naturally do happen in the
> beginning) lead to the mails being shown in the wrong virtual folder. You
> can reclassify them in PopFile, but the mail is already imported into TB's
> messagebase by then. Problematic when you subscribe to a new mailinglist,
> sign up for another newsletters - in short: whenever the classification
> needs to be enhanced/adapted (false positives are guaranteed during the
> first couple of mails).

> Because of that, I currently filter to common folders and maybe switch to
> virtual folders, later (when PopFile has received more training).

I use a two stage process - I have Popfile classify mail, and
then have a Bat! input-filter set a corresponding
colour-group from the X-Text-Classification header.

I then have my virtual folders set up based on the

When a message is mis-classified, I can then double click on
the X-Popfile-Link header (which I display in the header
panel) to tell Popfile, and also right-click in the
message-list-pane to change the colour-group, this is then
picked up by the virtual folders.


Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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