Hello Allie,

Wednesday, July 28, 2004, 12:15:04 AM, you wrote:

>MicroEd is special in that when it
> wraps as you type, it hard wraps.

> The Windows editor for TB! was introduced so that those who don't like
> the cursor behaviour as well as other aspects of MicroEd could have a
> more familiar solution. Unfortunately TB! will not wrap on sending so
> the text is sent unwrapped.

Hi Allie. I have been following this discussion with interest as the
differences between the two editors has always puzzled me. Does that
mean that when I prepare a message using the Windows editor that my
recipient will receive it as one long line, or will their email
program wrap it for them?  Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
 Peter                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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