> ..."exactly how do you send TB that IPC command when TB fails
> to read the file that contains the request"!?!

  Alexander S. Kunz:
> You don't send an IPC command, you use the command line which
> passes its commands to the running TB instance. That is in the
> helpfile, too.

  Don't be too confused by my use of the word "send". I am aware
  of the use of command line thingy...

  I know that one is supposed to "send" (or "process" / "invoke")
  IPC commands by starting secondary TB's from the command line;
  ie. "C:\Program Files\The Bat!\TheBat.EXE" /EXIT etc.

  My point is this: For no reason, TB may at any time simply stop
  looking for thebat.IPC - and thus TB won't know of the _future_
  commands you "send" it (by the way of the command line).

 (In fact, you don't even have to use _command_line_ method - you
  may simply create the file (thebat.IPC) manually - just make sure
  the syntax is correct and "here we go".)


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