Thomas Fernandez, [TF] wrote:

> My repeated suggestions for a single filter type that can be used
> for Incoming or Outgoing *or both* (by way of tickmarks) has not
> been addressed in the new version. I therefore see no reason to
> upgrade.

I guess you filter on strings other than addresses because if you wish
to use the filter for outgoing and incoming so that messages you reply
to are placed in the source folder, then for each filter you'd have to
switch the string search source from sender to recipient, wouldn't

> Can anybody enlighten me about the advantages of the NFS?

- from the same panel you can access the filters for all accounts.
  This is similar to how the quick templates panel works. We now need
  the same thing for the Account configuration panel.

- the filter setup layout is a lot nicer so that you now have a much
  better visual appreciation of the creation and building of filter
  string matching as well as how and in what order actions are applied.

- Incoming IMAP filters, as well as read and replied filters, are no
  longer bound to particular folders when created. If a source folder
  isn't specified, then it will be auto-applied to all folders in the
  respective account. So there's no longer a need to replicate a filter
  that you wish to be applied to messages in multiple folders.

- common filters are now supported. Here, you can create a filter that
  is applied potentially across all accounts or applied in particular
  accounts defined. Anti-spam filters would go well here.

- sub-filters are now supported. In this way it's now possible to
  create a filter that is applied only to those messages caught by the
  sub-filters parent filter. This is not only more efficient
  processing, but is also easier at times to administer than simply
  using the 'continue processing with other filters' approach.

That about sums it all up. The choice is now yours. To upgrade or not
to upgrade. :)

-= Allie =-
The Bat!™ v3.0 · Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

..... Without my ignorance, your knowledge would be meaningless..

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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