Hello Mary,

> Ah, a man of mystery with his own secret methods!!

I don't want anyone to take the risks I'm taking ;-)

> That other way that I read about involved partitioning and new drives
> and all sorts of major operations, IIRC!

Far much simpler than that :)

> But I bet yours is simple and smooth as silk and only a little bit
> tweaky and geeky! :)

Simple? Yes. Smooth as silk? So far, yes. Tweaky and geeky? I don't
think so :)

> However, I just want to run 3.0 right now, myself. Although I
> appreciate that you need to run both and perhaps more! <g>

You are on the right track on your appreciation.

> I'd better stick to making coffee, I think. Sending you a cup right
> now, if it won't keep you awake. :)

Please do send it. Tomorrow (today her already) is Saturday and I can
get up late ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.123 Beta/Umpteen

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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