Hello sacksa!

On Tuesday, September 14, 2004, 12:37 PM, you wrote:

scc> 1. For me, what would I gain by upgrading to ver. 3.0?

Do you use filters to direct your mails from the Message Dispatcher to
various folders within The Bat!?  If you do that manually, and you are
comfortable without any of the other of The Bat!'s newer features, in
the opinion of this one amateur user of The Bat! (namely me :) ), you
would gain nothing by upgrading from v. 1.62 to 3.0.

And if you did decide to upgrade, you would be better off to sign up
as a beta tester and run one of the later betas, which have fixed some
annoying flaws in the last full release, v. 3.0. Or else to wait until
those fixes come out as a later v. 3.xx... full release.

If you do write filters, and are comfortable with the writing system
which you are using, now being referred to as the Old Filter System,
there would be no advantage to you in getting the New Filter System.

However, the New Filter System alone was worth the upgrade price and
the upgrade learning curve to me. It is so simple and straightforward.
Since I don't write complex filters, I have had no difficulty setting
up what I need. And the install of v. 3.0 converted the few filters
which I did have set up from the Old Filter System to the New Filter
System without a hitch.

Hope this information helps you with your decision.

scc> 2. For similar reasons I have not yet installed Microsoft's SP2.
scc> (I once installed SP1, only to uninstall it after it slowed my pc
scc> down to a crawl.) However, is SP2 compatible with The Bat ver.
scc> 1.62r or, should I upgrade to ver. 3.0 if I intend to install
scc> SP2?

I have been running SP2 on Windows XP Home for a couple of weeks or so
now. It installed with no problems and has given me no problems.
However, I do have a rather fast, large Desktop machine--Pentium 4,
2.54 GHz, 120 GB hard drive, 512 MB RAM, of which 60 per cent is still

SP2 was entirely compatible with The Bat! v. 2.xx... . I imagine it
would do just fine with v. 1.62.

However, YMMV. And while it's easy to roll back The Bat! if one wants
an earlier version, the ways of Microsoft are beyond understanding and
I doubt that one could uninstall SP2 without a great deal more
technical knowledge than I have, myself. :)

Again, I hope this helps information helps you with your decision.

Best regards,
The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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