Hello Lynn!

On Saturday, September 04, 2004, 1:27 PM, you wrote:

MDP>> And by using sensible handles, :grin: still looks reasonable as
MDP>> 'grin' wrapped in colons - the intent preserved, whatever the
MDP>> viewer.

L> Were we supposed to see a smilie on :grin:?

Yes. Except it would not appear in the line above, because The Bat!
reads the question mark as part of the string. A space after the final
colon and before the beginning colon also, is needed: :grin: ?

L> If so, something is wrong with my config ..

Question 1) Have you downloaded the Smiley.zip folder from PCWize and
opened and moved its contents to The Bat!/Images folder?

If you've done that, then you have a folder named pcwimages in the
Images folder and a file named pcwsmileys.msl in the Images folder.
If you haven't, you can get this download from
providing the page is up. There have been problems with the server
this week, and currently I can't access the page.

Question 2) If you do have the PCWSmileys folder and file in The
Bat/Images, go to The Bat!/Images. On my machine the path is through
Program files.

Left double-click on the pcwimages folder and you'll find the image
files alphabetically arranged.

Question 3) Do you have this file:


If so, great. So far, so good. Now left double-click--still in The
Bat!/Images--on the pcwsmileys.msl file. A list of .msl lines will
come up in Notepad.

Question 4) Look down these and see if you have the following

Smiley = ".\pcwimages\smiley_abzz.gif", 0, ":grin:"

Compare it exactly with the one above. If all these conditions are
met, you should be seeing an animated grin for :grin: when Smileys are
checked and when you are not using Plain Text View.

Sorry to be so long and specific, if I've told you things you already
know. Just wanted to give you the whole checklist, in case you don't
even have the PCWSmileys images and file in The Bat!/Images and were
expecting to see :grin: called from the Default images.

Best regards,
Mary (PCWSmileys Administrator).
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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