Tim, [T] wrote:

> 1. What does courier compatibility mode do? I'm pretty sure I'm
>    connecting to a courier server, but everything has been working
>    well (except for the next question and my earlier question about
>    attachments) with compatibility mode not checked.

There were serious problems for those using TB! IMAP with Courier IMAP
servers. This Courier IMAP server compatibility mode option appeared
during an active go at fixing the problems.

> 2. Tonight The Bat! doesn't seem to be disconnecting from the server.
>    I have eight accounts on one server, but the server only allows
>    four connections.

This is a tacky problem.

>    I've set to disconnect after synchronisation, and I've set When
>    inactive disconnect after 1 second, and I even found and set in the
>    connection centre Disconnect when session finishes.

How often do you have TB! set to refresh folders? Refreshing folders
checks and does a message count, but no sync'ing occurs.

How often do you have TB! set to do periodic checking. Periodic
checking and checking mail at startup actually results in sync'ing

If you have the above frequencies set to be too short, then TB! will
very frequently have reason to be connected to the server?

Finally, how do you sync your folders? If the sync'ing is too
aggressive then TB! will spend a lot of time sync'ing folders.

A suggestion:

Since there's an issue with the number of concurrent connections
allowed to the server, I'd set all folders for all accounts not to
sync at all. However, you could for the moment leave periodic
refreshing enabled.

In the account propertes, go to mail management and enable all the
options for auto-connecting to the server.

What this setup does is make TB! connect and sync only when you've
selected a folder. Only that folders headers are sync'd. When you
select a message, the body is retrieved for reading.

This setup will economize how connections are established so that you
always have connections available for what you wish to do and not have
TB!'s automated duties taking up all the connections.

-= Allie =-
..... Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
IMAP Client: The Bat!™ v3.0.0.8 | SquirrelMail WebMail
IMAP Server: Mdaemon Pro | OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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