1. What does courier compatibility mode do? I'm pretty sure I'm
   connecting to a courier server, but everything has been working
   well (except for the next question and my earlier question about
   attachments) with compatibility mode not checked.

   I've now set it for a couple of accounts, and can't see any
   difference in behaviour.

2. Tonight The Bat! doesn't seem to be disconnecting from the server.
   I have eight accounts on one server, but the server only allows
   four connections.

   I've set to disconnect after synchronisation, and I've set When
   inactive disconnect after 1 second, and I even found and set in the
   connection centre Disconnect when session finishes.

   But I still have a problem of clicking on a folder in a new account
   and getting a beep and "Server closed connection" in the log panel.
   I've watched the connection centre for a while, and it sits there
   with four connections for four accounts, but nothing obviously
   happening, the request list blank -- and the modem lights are not
   flashing either.

   Is there a fourth checkbox for disconnection that I haven't found
   yet? Or some other setting I'm missing?


Using The Bat! v3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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