Tim, [T] wrote:

> On the most critical account, these were both set at 5 minutes. On
> other accounts these were set at longer times, using different prime
> numbers of minutes for each account (a practice I developed a few
> years ago to avoid too many multiple connections).

Try only using the refresh folder counts option.

If you wish to browse a folder, then select it and it will sync for
you. I'd stick to sync'ing only headers.

> I've had them all set on "Headers only". Tonight I've changed some to
> "new Headers only" to see if that makes a difference.

In this way the folder will display only unread messages. I thought
this may work for me but upon syncing the already sync'd messages
that are read are removed from the local cache.

> .. With IMAP, I connect to the internet and almost immediately the
> message list shows all the new messages.

A header only sync. Much less than retrieving headers, body text and

> So I don't go and make coffee; instead I click on the first message,
> and then have to wait for it to download, which may involve waiting
> for other tasks.

Depending on the syncing settings for those other accounts and
folders, the waiting could be long.

> I'm still downloading the same data as when I used POP (and
> therefore the download time ought to be the same) -- it's just a
> matter of when the download time occurs.


-= Allie =-
..... Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein
IMAP Client: The Bat!™ v3.0.0.8 | SquirrelMail WebMail
IMAP Server: Mdaemon Pro | OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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