Hello Avi!

On Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 2:42 PM, you wrote:

MB>>Look in The Bat! directory, and under each account, re-name the
MB>>.sbr files. NOT--repeat--NOT the .sbx files.

Sorry. Should have written .srb  and  .srx

MB>>This has helped some people carry their filters across more easily.

scc> Thanks, Mary! Please elaborate re the file re-naming. What is a
scc> .sbr file?

That's .srb file. I made a dyslexic typo. Very bad thing when
discussing file extensions. My sincere apologies.

A .srb file is a file created to store filters. You may not find one
in your The Bat!/MAIL/"account name" (where "account name" is the name
of your particular account in The Bat!). If you don't, it is that the
version you are running did not create it, and so you should just
ignore this part of my advice.

I simply deleted mine. The installation procedure created a new file
with my converted filters in it.

But others here, when I posted this advice in an earlier thread, said
that it was safer to re-name.

scc> What does it hold or do?

See above. As I understand it, The Bat! creates this file
automatically to contain filters.

scc> Do I rename the file extension, the main part of the name, or
scc> both? ...

I should think that the file extension renaming would be sufficient,
As I said, it's a substitute for deletion--a sort of extra back-up.

The Bat! will create a new .SRB

scc> Do the files then get renamed back to what they were after
scc> installation?

No, a new file will be created.

And after you've had a look at your filters in the New Filter System
in the Sorting Office/Filters and they are reasonably okay, then you
may safely just delete the renamed file. Or archive it somewhere else,
if you tend to be as paranoid as I am about this sort of thing.

The path to mine in the account that I use for the TB! mailing lists

C:/Program Files/The Bat!/MAIL/m.bull/ACCOUNT.SRB

That's for my m.bull Account.

I hope this helps. You might want to let it sit on the tbudl list
overnight before doing anything, just in case some more knowledgeable
person finds something to correct in what I'm saying.

Best regards,
The Bat! (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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